Prepare First Data Input


By pressing button #1 on the Main Menu you will see the 'Data File Selection' window..


Select 'Create new data file...' and enter a suitable name like 'FirstCases' or 'Test' into the file select box


Before data entry, some basic settings such as your local language or visual acuity chart type can be made under default values for new entries (Button #2 on the main menue)


After you made these default settings you have to click on Treatment and Follow Up Data (Button#3 on the main menu)

To add a new patient you either click on the 'add new' icon or select the '--- add new patient ---' line in the drop down list under ' patient name'.

A sub form will appear and ask you to enter name and date of birth of the patient. A patient ID number will be suggested but you may also use your own existing numbering system. All Patient ID numbers must be unique however.


After clicking OK the actual data input form appears. Enter more patient data if available and then proceed entering data for OD or OS by clicking the appropriate button.


You will be asked whether you want to file a new treatment for this patient. Click 'yes' and continue to enter the data.



Click on the 'Follow UP I' tab and start with entering the treatment date (and optional treatment time).


Note: the treatment date will be memorized and taken as default for new entries until you change the treatment date manually.

Then click on the first row in the follow up table which is displayed under the treatment day field. By doing so the treatment date will be copied as 'FollowUp Date' and labeled as 'preOP' visit.

Then continue using the 'tab key' to the next fields entering UCVA, sphere, cylinder and AXIS as well as BCVA for every follow up visit. UCVA and BCVA must be selected on the drop down lists. SPH, CYL and axis may be typed in directly. You may enter in plus or minus cyl setting.

To enter the other eye's data click on the 'Left eye OS' button and proceed accordingly.

You then can continue to enter follow up data or add new patients and treatments.

'Back' brings you to the main menu.

Note: Without activation code Datagraph med will allow you to display graphs only from the original samples file or from a new file with no more than 10 eyes. To unblock this limitation you will have to get your own license number.
